The Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) has launched the 9th edition of the SCIENCE BY WOMEN program, with the aim of “fostering African women’s leadership in scientific research and technology transfer and boosting the capacity of research centers in the country itself.” IDISCAM is part of this program, offering a stay to a senior researcher for six months.
The role of women is fundamental to Africa’s development. In this way, the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) aims to contribute to the development of the continent through the promotion of its women. In particular, they consider it of paramount importance “to enable women researchers to address the major challenges facing Africa and that research developments in health, agriculture, food security, water, engineering, climate change are transformed into products and technologies that have a direct impact on people’s lives”.
To achieve this ambitious goal, in this 9th edition the Women for Africa Foundation has the collaboration of the following partners 26 Spanish Centers of Excellence, of recognized national and international prestige, thus ensuring excellence in scientific research in various fields.
The Institute for Health Research of Castilla-La Mancha (IDISCAM) joins the Science by Women program as a recipient center of a senior researcher for a 6-month fellowship.
All information is available at the following link: